ECLUG -Eastern Connecticut Linux User Group- eclug |
Wednesday, August 07, 2002
Hitbox Counter Added Don't get turned-off by the image on the left below the's a stats gatherer slash hitcounter. Hitbox has good free stats, so I got it. We'll be able to tell how useful People in the Group (and elsewhere) find the discussion that takes place here (if any). The stats are public. Link to added Entenation has been credited and linked with their image to the left, just below the Blogger link image. Commenting Added This site now has dynamic commenting. I found this really kewl place called that has this neat thing. Try it. If You need a question answered or have something to say about a discussion or item on the ECLUG weblog, click on the "comment" link below the item You want to comment on. The only drawback is that You have to have the browser set to accept popup windows, and some People like to turn them off to avoid ads (I know I do :-) ). Anyway, the comments are preserved in the popup message box, where You can peruse them at Your leisure. And there's a Permanent ("permalink") feature to the comments so You can link to them statically on a page if You want. Pretty phat, eh? I hope You like it. Monday, August 05, 2002
Linux Newsfeed Added You may notice there is a Linux newsfeed to the left now. It's free to nonprofit groups and personal or hobby sites from A comprehensive of available newsfeeds can be found at The color is a bit off from the lefthand column...I'm still not sure why. The newsfeed refreshes every 15 minutes. I hope You like it. -DaveM |