ECLUG -Eastern Connecticut Linux User Group- eclug

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Saturday, August 03, 2002
Command Line HTML Fetcher

B.Tober: Because I'm basically lazy, I come up with these "interesting little problems" every now and then.

What I'm looking for is a command line utility that will take a URL
(in the IP-address form "http://<>/filename.htm")
as a command line parameter and return the fetched HTML to standard output.

Anyone know of such a utility?

Pi: wget -O - --quiet URL
should do it

Friday, August 02, 2002
Added links to template, hard link for archive

Links have now been added to the blog template for, at the left and at the bottom. Also, until I know the blogtags better, I fixed a problem with the Archive link by hard-coding it in the blog template.


Convert Newsgroups to html? -003-

Here's an interesting lead:

Note: GNUS is now at:


Convert Newsgroups to html? -002-

> It should be something pretty simple to do in perl/python or another scripting language but I can't help but wonder if someone else has already written something. Any ideas?

I've done this before with various existing tools, but currently my tool of choice is 'Mailman' which does this automagically. You could also use MHonArc, which works well also, as an external package, as long as you have access to the raw spool (mbox, maildir, /var/spool, etc.)

The problem with archiving them though is now you need to add searching capabilities.. oh wait, I've done that too (again for the lists I run). Try using UDMSearch, small, light, fast, and very capable.


In posting the Hacker's response, above, note I again used the subject as an html-tag-bolded header only with an " -002-" to indicated it's place in the discussion. I know, I know, it's not strictly true and is an accident of the sequence in which it hit my mailbox, and if multiple Persons were blogging at the same time while following this convention, there might be duplication of these little numbers, but - hey - just something I'm doing now to give a possible example, to throw darts at.

Convert Newsgroups to html? -001-

Hello; I have a friend who is interesting in getting a program to convert newsgroup messages to html.

Before you say: "Why don't you use Deja News...?" this is for a school INTRANET with it's own semi-private news groups and it would be available to someone who has an account at the school and has access to the school network.

It should be something pretty simple to do in perl/python or another
scripting language but I can't help but wonder if someone else has already written something. Any ideas?

-- Glenn K. --

Notice above in this posting I tried a few things that might make it easier to locate discussion stuff here. In reposting Glenn K's message, I made the "subject" the first line (this gives a header to the entry, sort of ); I added " -001-" (space-dash-zero-zero-one-dash) immediately after it. I closed the bold tag, then added a paragraph tag at the end to force a new paragraph. This gives a bold header to the entry, and makes the entry easier to discern from the rest of the entries. I added a break tag at the end to put Glenn's name on a separate line, as it appeared in his email. These are just a couple conventions I'll follow when posting the rest of the discussion of this thread, as a sample.

Invites All Out

It's 5:29 am and I just finished sending out all the invites to everybody on the eclug list. (I think I got everybody...if I missed someone, email me at and I'll do it up.) You may notice I had to make-up some last names, as blogger requires a last name when You add a Team Member. In some cases I was able to figure it out from the email address, but I may have made some mistakes. In others I used the email address to create a last name with no_spam underscores, etc. The interface won't let me edit them, so if it becomes an issue with anyone, let me know and I can remove the thing, and we can do the invite process over again with the correct info, so Your posts will be with Your preferred name at the bottom. I'm bushed. Ciao4Now - DaveM

eclug mailing list

So I got the listserver names from Laurin and am now in the process of sending out Blog invites to the rest of those on the list. If I missed anybody, email me at and I'll take care of it. Laurin's an admin User here too, so if I'm not reachable, he can send an invite.

Archive Wierdness

There seems to be some weirdness about how blogger creates the archive...I'm still looking at it. Try clicking the archive link at the left and it'll take You to a bombed document.write statement. Clicking on the first link will take You to the real archive, the other one, marked ">>current" yields an error. But once in the archive, there's no direct link (yet) back to the top, without Your having to type it in manually.

Thursday, August 01, 2002
I've found the eclug blog.
So, being a web log - perhaps I should find / and / or comment on interesting linux news?

Welcome to the ECLUG Weblog

Hi Folks. I saw the discussion last week about converting newsgroups to html files, and although I didn't have time to read it (I thought it was talking about the discussion/mailing list...d'oh!), but it got me to thinking...Why not create a weblog for the group?

So I did.

So here's the setup: I created an account at called "eclug". (link opens new window). Then I went over to and created an account there also called "eclug". I gave them the same password.

My idea is this: Since blogger lets You do collaborative stuff, why not just make it a collaborative weblog? This would avoid the problem of the lists email intensity...each reply is a separate piece of email to handle. Each post to the list requires a separate decision - to read or not to read? To reply or not to reply? And then there's the additional overhead of email account handling.

Don't get me wrong. I am not saying to get rid of the list. But I do think having it in weblog format might offer some conveniences. Like having immediate browser-based access to the ongoing discussions, and avoiding all the email account
management overhead.

Now I would like to offer a good reason to keep the list. A list is comfortably informal, whereas knowing Your comments appear on a web page might be an inhibiting factor to some. (not me, of course - heheh).


(IF we gonna do this...)Blogger lets You set up collaborative weblogs, with some Users designated as "administrators". Only administrators can edit, delete, and archive entries. I'm still learning the setup, but it seems like we can make it so that we can designate, say, 3 or 4 administrators and let everybody have the password to post. That's what it looks like to me at the moment. I say we give it a shot, on an experimental basis anyway.


So far I have not had net access on a Linux-based machine, but I want to share what I have noticed about using Windows based browsers to work with this thing.

I first started this using my preferred browser while on a win platform - Opera (6.04). Unfortunately, blogger seems to like IE better...there are some display and other difficulties in the blogger interface when it comes to getting along with Opera, even when Opera is set to identify self as IE. Oh well. If anybody's interested, try it with Konquerer or Mozilla, and let me know how it works (if at all(!)).

Wrapping Up

Anyway, here's the ECLUG Web Log site. I hope You like it. I'll put a few of the items from the list on it so Y'all can get a feel for it.

In the meantime, uh, Come blog with us.